Using a wildcard domain specification with a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
March 18, 2018

On March 13, 2018, Let’s Encrypt began supporting wildcard certificates. This post goes over how to create a Let’s Encrypt certificate with a wildcard domain specification, and how to transition a Let’s Encrypt certificate from one that doesn’t have a wildcard domain specification to one that does.

Integrating a MySQL Docker container with Docker Compose
October 1, 2017

This is the fourth and final post in a series of blog posts about how to run an experiment with Amazon Mechanical Turk, using psiTurk.

This post will cover how to set up a MySQL container and how to hook it up to talk to the psiTUrk container, using Docker Compose.

Setting up the psiTurk Docker container
September 17, 2017

This is the third post in a series of blog posts about how to run an experiment with Amazon Mechanical Turk, using psiTurk.

This post will cover how to run the psiTurk example experiment inside of a Docker container.

Installing Docker and Docker Compose on Linode
September 3, 2017

This is the second post in a series of blog posts about how to run an experiment with Amazon Mechanical Turk, using psiTurk.

This post will cover how to install Docker and Docker Compose, which we will use to run the two programs necessary for deploying an experiment with psiTurk: MySQL and psiTurk itself.

Setting up a Linode server for running an Amazon Mechanical Turk experiment with psiTurk
August 20, 2017

This is the first post in a series of blog posts about how to run an experiment with Amazon Mechanical Turk, using psiTurk.

This first post will cover setting up a server to host the experiment.